Infant & Toddler Academy

We commit to provide purposeful and meaningful rich learning experiences across all educational disciplines for all children.

LAEL Methodology

LAEL was founded in 2017

Purposeful Play

At LAEL we believe that optimal learning takes place when children are actively contributing to their learning. Children use their natural curiosity to explore, play, and inquire. Children’s active engagement allows them to make sense of their learning and continue to deepen their understanding of different concepts, ideas, and theories.

Integrated Development

LAEL uses a curriculum framework because it bridges learning experiences across disciplines to maximize learning. The goal is to develop the “whole child” stimulating progress across multiple domains. As children construct knowledge in one area, they positively influence development in another area creating a simultaneous flow of development.

Intentional Teaching

LAEL educators provide children with meaningful learning experiences that are intentional and success-oriented. While children are discovering and constructing knowledge, LAEL educators are purposefully scaffolding new learning opportunities related to children’s interests and to further develop progress in all the developmental domains.

LAEL Method

The Learning Cycle

The Learning Cycle

Child observes the plant and begins to investigate it.
Interaction between child and environment

The Learning Cycle

Child develops questions, ideas, and understandings around the plant.
Child is stimulated to think, intellect is being formed. The more the child repeatedly engages the more intellect is developed.

The Learning Cycle

Child is encouraged to think critically from many perspectives to explore the plant further.
The richer the sensory environment the more complex the neuropathways, intellect.

The Learning Cycle

Why does the plant need water? What do you think will happen to the plant.
Critical thinking through open-ended learning stimulates continuous brain development.

The Learning Cycle

Learning is extended into other curriculum areas. Example Math: Plant growth chart Science: Planting
The foundation of building intelligence is repetition across the curriculum to solidify and bridge connections in the brain.

The Learning Cycle

Child observes the plant and begins to investigate it.
Interaction between child and environment

The Learning Cycle

Child develops questions, ideas, and understandings around the plant.
Child is stimulated to think, intellect is being formed. The more the child repeatedly engages the more intellect is developed.

The Learning Cycle

Child is encouraged to think critically from many perspectives to explore the plant further.
The richer the sensory environment the more complex the neuropathways, intellect.

The Learning Cycle

Why does the plant need water? What do you think will happen to the plant.
Critical thinking through open-ended learning stimulates continuous brain development.

The Learning Cycle

Learning is extended into other curriculum areas. Example Math: Plant growth chart Science: Planting
The foundation of building intelligence is repetition across the curriculum to solidify and bridge connections in the brain.

What Research Tells Us

Our LAEL Curriculum, Environment and Educators support early healthy brain development.
LAEL Milestones & Resources
Stay Tuned! More content coming soon 🙂

Our Team

At LAEL Academy we have a thorough interview process to make sure our team is the right fit. We provide on going training and daily communications to make sure everyone is on the same page. Integrating traditional methods and with technology we strive to incorporate best practice in our team and provide a safe and healthy environment. We embrace and all cultures and ethnicities and thrive in a diverse community.

Our Team is Growing!

With our new location and growing environment, we are seeking new and experienced talent who align with LAEL vision and standards.

”Daily learning opportunities are presented in multi-sensory ways to stimulate brain development allowing children to explore and construct meaning based on their own experiences.”