We commit to provide purposeful and meaningful rich learning experiences across all educational disciplines for all children.
Enrollment is open 52 weeks a year for any of our locations! As long as there is a space available.
First, fill out the application form on our website.
Second, visit our center for a tour.
Third, upon enrollment attend your child’s initial welcome meeting.
All locations are open Monday – Friday
Crest Location – 7:30 – 5:30
Hardy Court – 8:00 – 5:00
Yes, we are open through out the year and offer summer programming. Our Winter, Spring and Summer break is similar to that of the Burnaby School District calendar.
Yes! Tours are scheduled Monday-Friday between the hours of 9:00am – 12:00pm. This is the best time to visit as it does not interfere with children’s eating, napping and end of the day pick-up.
We offer a Virtual Tour of our classrooms on our website. Select the location you would like to view and enjoy an online walk through or view a selection of pictures in our gallery. (COMING SOON)
We offer 2-day, 3-day, 4-day and 5-day packages based on availability. You may request your desired days and we will try our best to accommodate, however, this is based on availability. If your desired days are not available you may still enroll and place yourself on a waitlist for your desired day/s in the case that they become available. All part-time schedules must include a Monday or a Friday.
The child care fees vary by location and number of days selected. Please contact us and we will be happy to go over this with you or book a tour and view our welcome package for your preferred location.
Our multiage classrooms have limited availability due to our smaller class size of 8 children per room. Fill out the application form on our website and the LAEL administration team will contact you and assist you in joining the center waitlist. There is a 100-dollar non-refundable fee that will be deducted from your child’s first month of tuition. Please contact the center for more details.
Children attending the center must wear the school uniform during school hours and during any fieldtrips.
Upon enrollment, each child will transition into the full day program in increments to help them adjust and feel comfortable in their new classroom environment. Each child is different and depending on you and your child’s need a flexible transition plan can be discussed with your child’s teachers.
All LAEL Educators have an Early Childhood Education background and are licensed to work with children ages 0-12. All LAEL Teachers have their First Aid and CPR training and receive ongoing education, support and training to ensure quality daily practice.
LAEL Educators are trained in implementing the unique LAEL curriculum, webinars and on demand support and training sessions are provided to support our teachers in best practice. Additionally, all LAEL teachers are required to complete our yearly Professional Development Day and submit a yearly Reflection Portfolio. The Early Childhood Registry also requires all educators to complete 40 hours of professional development over the course of their certification term.
We offer a full day curriculum that offers educational opportunities that are age appropriate and success oriented. Our curriculum combines core subjects such as reading circle, math, art, science, sensory play and complementary subjects such as music, pottery, yoga and dance.
The LAEL curriculum was carefully designed to incorporate key elements of the BC Early Learning Framework. LAEL teachers are to use the concept of living inquiries and learning pathways to guide their weekly program planning. Pedagogical Documentation (Learning Stories) will be documented to make children’s learning visible through our bulletin boards, online communication app and blog.
LAEL Academy encourages children to rest their bodies for a minimum of 30-45 minutes daily. We do not force children to nap. For some children quiet activities such as reading a book or soft toys may be provided.
LAEL Academy provides breakfast and snack for all children in our center. Families are to provide a packed lunch. Each classroom is equipped with a refrigerator to store packed lunches and teachers are able to heat up your child’s lunch. Breakfast and snack are served with milk and fresh fruit and is included in the tuition fee.
We know the importance of positive partnerships with parents and therefore make every effort we can to communicate with families daily. Your child’s teacher will let you know how your child’s day went at each pickup. Communication through the SeeSaw App is provided daily so you can see real updates through pictures and videos throughout the day. Classroom logs are also kept daily for each child.
The center will remain open unless it is unsafe to do so. In the case of inclement weather conditions, you will be notified to pickup early to ensure safety of all.
Children are required to play outside daily for a minimum of 60 minutes. Outdoor play is vital to healthy development and unless severe weather conditions are active, all children will be required to play outdoors during the designated time.